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      1. Opening new ground- ACEG E-commerce Co., Ltd established
          |  Updated: 2023-02-27  |  Views: 7625

        Located in Hefei High-tech Development District, ACEG E-commerce Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "E-commerce Company") brought the level of ACEG’s digitalization to new heights.


        With 34 employees, 21% of whom have master degree or above, and professional capabilities of development, operation and maintenance, E-commerce Company has functions of online purchase, settlement, payment and after-sales. Up to now, the total transaction volume has exceeded RMB250 million yuan, and the overall operation is stable and orderly.


        Next, E-commerce Company will strive to get stronger, do better, and grow bigger by enhancing the core competitiveness of digital industrialization,exploring the e-commerce + financing model, empowering the real economy.