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      1. ACEG Ranks on ENR’s “Top 250 International Contractors” List Once Again
        ACEG Overseas Business Department  |  Updated: 2022-08-26  |  Views: 9158

        Engineering News-Record (ENR) unveiled the rankings of this year's "Top 250 International Contractors" on August 24 local timeAnhui Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (ACEG) took the 172nd spot in the "Top 250 International Contractors" ranking and this is the 14th year in a row that ACEG has been listed among ENR's top 250 international Contractors and up two spots from 2021.


        A total of 79 Chinese enterprises were listed among ENR's top 250 international Contractors in 2022, and Anhui Construction Engineering Group ranked the 52nd among them and up one spot from the previous year.