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      1. ACEG staff and partners gather to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Tizi Ouzou
        ACEG Overseas Business Department  |  Updated: 2022-05-10  |  Views: 10873

        May 4th / Tizi Ouzou, Algeria / Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important Muslim festivals celebrated around the world after the culmination of Ramadan. During the holiday of Eid al-Fitr in Algeria, the managers and workers working for the 1000-unit housing project in Tizi Ouzou – one of ACEG Algerian Branch’s ongoing project, together with the project owner’s representative, the engineering project supervisor and other partners gathered to celebrate Eid al-Fitr,they carried out friendly interactions and gave gifts and blessings to each other.


        The project owner’s representative and the engineering project supervisor said that at present, all the works of the project are progressing well and in the future, the staff and all the parties working for the project will continue to cooperate sincerely and jointly promote the successful implementation of the project with their fighting spirit of perseverance.