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      1. Algerian Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane inspected ACEG’s ongoing Project - Oran University Town
        ACEG Overseas Business Department  |  Updated: 2021-10-09  |  Views: 14362

        October 4, H.E. Mr. Aymen Benabderrahmane, Prime Minister of Algeria, has inspected Oran University Town under construction – an ongoing mega project undertaken and being built by ACEG Algerian Branch. During the inspection, Prime Minister Aymen Benabderrahmane gave full affirmation to the progresses and the qualities of the project. 

        Government officials from the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Youth and Sports and Oran Province, accompanied the inspection.


        The Project Oran University Town consists of 10 plots of which ACEG Algerian Branch undertakes 3 with main work content of constructing 6,000-bed apartments and ancillary buildings.