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      1. ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation Joins National Top 30 Contractors for Chemical Projects
        ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.  |  Updated: 2021-10-09  |  Views: 13928

        Most recently, China National Association of Chemical Construction Enterprises and National Petroleum and Chemical Construction Information Master Station jointly announced the List of Top 30 Members of Chemical Engineering Construction in 2020, ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. - one of ACEG’s subsidiaries, professional contractor for industrial equipment installing and workshop building engineering and construction, has been ranked among the top 30 enterprises in terms of their annual output values in 2020.


        In the past year of 2020, facing the global pandemic and the complex and changeable economic environment at home and abroad, as well as the severe challenges in chemical construction industry, ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. has carved out and spared no efforts in exploring the markets and continuously improved its management capabilities and achieved a good business development trend.


        There are 482 member units under the jurisdiction of China National Association of Chemical Construction Enterprises nationwide and it would be no mean feat for ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd. to be ranked this time.


        ACEG Industrial Equipment Installation will, as always, stay true to its mission, strengthen its confidence, free its minds, and further carry out reforms and innovations so as to open its new and higher-end journeys.