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      1. ACEG PAK Branch commences building Gezhouba Regional Dispatching Center
        ACEG Pakistani Branch  |  Updated: 2021-09-13  |  Views: 14634
        At 10:00 a.m. on September 1 local time, with firecrackers crackling and spluttering on the site, the commencement ceremony for the main building of Gezhouba(Pakistan)Regional Dispatching Center of China Gezhouba Group Overseas Investment Co. Ltd. started, the project, which was contracted by ACEG Pakistani Co., Ltd., is located in a high-end business park at the New City, Islamabad, the Capital city of Pakistan and will surely be a splendid landscape there after completion in about 24 months.
        Mr. Li Xiaotao, Deputy General Manager of China Gezhouba Group Overseas Investment Co., Ltd., Mr. Pan Zhengqiang, General Manager and all the staff of ACEG Pakistani Branch, and the representative of the supervision company, attended the big event.