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      1. ACEG Algerian Branch takes measures to curb the second wave of the epidemic
        ACEG Algerian Branch  |  Updated: 2020-11-11  |  Views: 12687
        From October 22, up to 30, ACEG Algerian Branch`s Epidemic Prevention and Control Team led by Mr. Han Libing - General Party Branch Secretary, has inspected and guided the epidemic prevention and control works of all the projects under the jurisdiction of the Branch, the inspection and guidance have been focusing on the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control measures and operation scheduling and grid managements and assisting the project departments to solve problems and difficulties in the works.
        Mr. Han Libing said that the COVID-19 epidemic in Algeria has lately shown a rebounding trend, with a number of new cases in clusters in Chinese companies. In response to this severe circumstance, he required the following three points that each project department should achieve:
        First, the epidemic prevention and control work should be given top priority as a political task. All project departments should keep the achievement of “zero infection”, resolutely overcome the mentality of paralysis and carelessness and remain highly vigilant against the epidemic;
        Second, grid management measures should be strictly implemented in the construction and production processes. Employees must maintain a safe distance from each other in the workplaces and the inspection and guidance on epidemic prevention works for the subcontractors should be strengthened as well and detect all key links and plug up any loopholes found in the epidemic prevention.
        Third, it is necessary to urge all employees to comply with all the personal protection measures and educate them to face the epidemic correctly and ensure the stability of the work teams.
        In order to strengthen the personal protection for all employees, ACEG Algerian Branch has procured a batch of protective materials and distributed them to the employees.