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      1. ACEG (Nigeria) Branch: Project delivered amid epidemic
        ACEG (Nigeria) Branch   |  Updated: 2020-06-16  |  Views: 10748
        The renovation project of DIKKO Lawyers` Building completed by ACEG (Nigeria) Branch has successfully passed the acceptance inspection a few days ago in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.
        The DIKKO Lawyers` Building is the office space of a well-known law firm in Abuja. The renovation of the lawyers` building started on January 27, 2020, and the contract period was three months. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the project was forced to suspend at the end of March until May 4 that Abuja reopened. However, the owner requested that the project should be delivered within a month, Abuja was just open at this time, working states had not been fully restored, many building materials markets were still not open, materials could not be purchased, which had greatly increased pressures to resume the works.
        In order to ensure the timely delivery of the project as well as prevention and control over the epidemic, ACEG (Nigeria) Branch actively contacted the major building material suppliers through telephone and internet for the timely supply of the materials and arranged its staff to work overtime day and night and finally completed all the works ahead of the schedule and delivered the project to the owner.
        The fact that ACEG (Nigeria) Branch has overcome the impact of the epidemic and delivered the project ahead of schedule reflects its integrity, efficient professional and quality, which was highly appraised by the owner. On the day of acceptance of the project, Mr. AB Mahmud, general manager of the Owner, presented flowers, cakes and a letter of thanks to ACEG (Nigeria) Branch, saying that he would cooperate more extensively with ACEG (Nigeria) Branch in the future.
        This project was the first successfully delivered project with high-quality by ACEG (Nigeria) Branch amid the epidemic in 2020, and it reflects ACEG (Nigeria) Branch`s two must-do tasks at present - to prevent the epidemic and resume the works.