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      1. ACEG Algeria Branch joined the tree planting activity of China - Algeria friendship
        ACEG Algeria Branch  |  Updated: 2019-12-04  |  Views: 7586
        A tree planting activity of China - Algeria friendship jointly hosted by Chinese Embassy in Algeria and the Association of Chinese Enterprises was held at the “China - Algeria Friendship Park”- the ecological garden in the suburbs of Algiers, the capital city of Algeria on Wednesday. H.E. Mr. Li Lianhe, Chinese Ambassador to Algeria, and the Algerian Environmental Minister attended the event and gave their speeches at the venue. Some ACEG Algeria Branch staff headed by Mr. Han Libing, joined the tree planting activity.
        H.E. Mr. Li Lianhe, Chinese ambassador to Algeria (third from right) is delivering his speech
        Ambassador Li thanked the Algerian foreign ministry and the environmental ministry and Algiers ecological garden administration for their kind supports to the tree planting activity, he said: “the China - Algeria Friendship Park is a symbol of China - Algeria friendship”and calls for putting forth our strength to the greening and environmental protections of Algeria and wishes the friendship between China and Algeria everlasting!
        The participants of both Chinese and Algerian were full of enthusiasm, shaking shovels to loosen the soils, and jointly planted olive saplings and watered them. The activity has called on everyone to do a good job in the green environmental protection tasks.