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      1. Pakistan Karot Bridge built by ACEG is open to traffic
        ACEG (Pakistan) Branch  |  Updated: 2019-11-19  |  Views: 7267
        9 am local time on November 16 has marked the Karot Bridge in Pakistan, built by Anhui Construction Engineering Group (Pakistan) Branch, officially open to traffic.
        The newly completed Karot Bridge has a total length of 330m and width of 10m with three spans, the biggest span is 150m long; , and the width of the box girders each measures 6m at the bottom and 10m at the top and the height of the bridge piers are 72m. It is a prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame structure bridge, which was constructed with method of hanging baskets.
        In the construction processes of the bridge, Anhui Construction Engineering Group (Pakistan) Branch has overcome the severe security situation and the difficulties of the dangerous operations at the high altitude and long spans and strictly controlled the construction in good qualities and on November 9th, the bridge has satisfactorily passed the static load test, and all the other test results met the design requirements and was qualified for coming into service.
        The bridge put into service has greatly facilitated not only the transportation between Punjab Province and Pakistan-administered Kashmir, but also the subsequent construction of the Karot hydropower station project as well.
        The completion of the Karot Bridge has fully embodied the spirit of ACEG workers who are able to endure hardships and demonstrated ACEG`s bridge construction technologies. It is another landmark work of Anhui Construction Engineering Group (Pakistan) Branch after the completion of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and one more symbol of China-Pakistan friendship.