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      1. Seminar of Infrastructure Capacity Building for “Belt and Road" Nations Concluded with Success
        ACEG Overseas  |  Updated: 2018-06-19  |  Views: 5239

        On the afternoon of June 13, 2018, the 20 daylong Seminar of Infrastructure Capacity Building for the “Belt and Road" Nations, 2018, concluded with great success in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province in eastern China, this event was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China and directed by Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce and co-organized by Anhui Construction Engineering Group and China University of Science and Technology and some other firms and the attendees 25 in number were government officials from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Grenada, Kenya and Lebanon.

        During the Seminar, Anhui Construction Engineering Group has given full play to its own advantages for all the attendees in the arrangements of the lectures as Chinas Urban Construction and Development, Green Construction and Green Building Technologies, High Speed Railway Construction Technology, Construction Informatization so on and so forth and organized an onsite visit to Anhui Construction Engineering Group’s Architectural Industrialization Base.