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      1. ACEG`s First Shield Tunneling Machine Put Into Work
        Anhui R/Bridge Co  |  Updated: 2018-04-19  |  Views: 5396
        On the morning of March 31, the shield machine called "Struggle No. 1" has been successfully set up on its working place and put into use in the construction project Line 4 Subway of Hefei City, contracted by Anhui Road And Bridge Co., Ltd. – one of ACEG`s subsidiaries professionalized for road and bridge construction and this contract reflects ACEG`s capability and qualification for a new field of businesses – urban railways engineering and construction.
        ACEG has formally set feet in urban railways engineering and construction contract in 2017 after many years of painstaking struggles in accordance with the its strategic plans and as a consequence, the project Line 4 Subway of Hefei City has proceeded a smooth start of shield tunneling construction.
        The staffs of the Line 4 Subway vow that, from now on, they will insist on the quality first concept and strengthen the management and optimize the working organization and ensure the safety production, to satisfy the owner and the citizens with an environmentally friendly and quality excellent Project.