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      1. Mr. Zhang Called on H.E. Mr. Bai Tian – Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia
        ACEG Overseas Br.  |  Updated: 2018-03-23  |  Views: 5478
        Mr. Zhang Shiquan, General Manager of ACEG Malaysia Co., Ltd. called on H.E. Mr. Bai Tian – Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia at the Embassy Lounge in Kuala Lumpur on March 13, 2018, current local business circumstances and the maintenance project under planning for the Embassy buildings were topics between the two sides.
        Mr. Zhang has introduced the current business situation and business layout of ACEG Malaysia Co., Ltd. saying that ACEG, as the largest construction contractor in Anhui Province, will actively respond to “Belt and Road” initiatives and explore Malaysian construction market opportunities and to benefit the local people
        H.E. Ambassador Bai has given his positive remarks to the business layout of ACEG Malaysia Co., Ltd. and pointed it out that Malaysia is an important joint along with the "Belt and Road" initiatives and the relations with China has entered into a period of opportunities, its political situation is stable and the overall environment is favorable and it is the good time to actively participate in the construction of infrastructure projects in Malaysia.
        The Ambassador said that it was not long for ACEG being in Malaysian market thus there shall be much about the characteristics of the Malaysian construction market to be familiar with as soon as possible and also the local laws and regulations and local politics, social resources so on and so forth and to lay a solid foundation for further business developments.
        The Ambassador also thanked ACEG Malaysia Co., Ltd. for the help in the maintenance works of the Ambassador`s Residence of Chinese Embassy in Malaysia.