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      1. Governor of Constantine Province Inspected AADL 6000-unit Housing Project
        ACEG (Algeria) Co., Ltd  |  Updated: 2017-12-13  |  Views: 5466
        A delegation headed by the Governor of Constantine Province, Algeria, visited the ongoing AADL 6000-unit Housing Project undertaken by ACEG on November 16 2017.
        Accompanied by Mr. Zitouni Faycal, AADL’s Eastern Region Manager, Mr. Cazrani, AADL’s Director of Constantine, Mr. Lamine, Mr. Achraf and Mr. Seik, Directors on sites from the Employer’s side, and Mr. Huang Huawen, Deputy Manager of Constantine 6000-unit Housing Project, the Delegation has inspected the showroom at Plot 25 after they listened to the report by Mr. Zitouni Faycal on project progress and completion plans. The Governor spoke highly of ACEG’s construction quality and orderly sites.
        The Governor stressed several points. He hoped the project progress could be accelerated to catch up with the first housing acceptance. The employer should make due payment to the contractor to guarantee the project quality. The drawing approval and construction progress should be acceleratd for the exterior layout works. Mr. Huang Huawen said ACEG will continue to focus on project quality and progress to ensure timely acceptance and supply quality residences for Algerian people.