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      1. New Technique Introduced as Compelled Workmanship
          |  Updated: 2008-12-22  |  Views: 6453
        Instructed under “Workmanship Administration Act on Highroad Engineering” days earlier, a notification jointly issued by China Transportation Ministry and China Highroad Constructors’ Association that an evaluation program has been concluded and it has been turned out that the Essay “Mixture of Cement Piling Solution for Roadbed in Soft Soil Geographies” submitted by ACEG Road and Bridge Engineering has been introduced as one of the valuable working Method for the year 2008.
        This essay was compiled with contributions from engineers of this company long being tackling with difficulties in this sector and with a good number of practical experiences and the methods specified are with clear specifications of workmanships which help increase the quality and decrease the costs of road projects, benefits can obviously be seen socially and economically, it is a leading method in the sector of road construction.             

                                           (Aceg Road & Bridge)