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          |  Updated: 2008-06-05  |  Views: 6701
        Snowfall and ice could not hold back the pace of ACEG people marching forward, atmosphere of harvest and delight were brimming the Audience Hall in Xueyuan Building.          
        Aceg 2008 Operation Conference was held in Hefei on February, 1st, which was attended by some 460 people, they were Aceg leaders, awarded advanced teams and individuals, all up-mid leveled cadres from subsidiaries, all staff members from the headquarters and part of the project managers. Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Minister of Anhui Provincial Construction Ministry and Mr. Jiang Fuliang, Deputy Inspector of Anhui Provincial State Owned Asserts Management, delivered speeches on behalf of their administrations respectively.
        Following up on the conference, H. E. Mr. Hu Yuncheng, Chairman and Chief Manager of Aceg delivered a report titled: “PERSEVERE IN REFORM AND RECREATION   DIVERT DEVELOPMENT MODE
        STRUGGLE FOR ACEG’S BETTER AND FASTER GROWTH”; then the award ceremony commending those advanced groups and individuals for the year 2007 took place; which followed by the signature ceremony of the target agreements for the year 2008 between the Headquarters and all subsidiaries in concerning targets of businesses and outputs , Party Committee programs, safety and security controls. Representatives from Aceg’s 19 subsidiaries addressed their comments at the forum on the Chairman Hu’s Report during the afternoon hours of the day.               
        Main contents of Chairman Hu’s Report reflect the fruitful achievements of 2007, with continuing increase of economic strength, more explored markets, updated system reforms, modernized management controls, harmonious atmosphere and new achievements in the Party and moralities constructions. Total output value of 2007 increased by 73%, 7.4 time as much as of the year 2002,   total output value of Aceg tripled in the past 5 years, annual newly booked contract value increased by 82%, annual completed construction area increased by 67%, annual output per capita  valued RMB¥476.000, increased by 40%, quality satisfaction certified for completed works were rated by 100% among which 63.8% were excellence quality winners, 5 projects completed won a “Huangshang Prize”each,1 project won a “Scientific Model” at the provincial level, 3 projects of each won a “Provincial Costumer Satisfied Project”, 19 projects won a “Jiangong Cup” each, 9 sites of each were crowned with the title “Site of Safety and Civilization ”, annual revenue increased by 61%, total assets increased by 65%, net assets increased by 70%. Aceg has been empowered   as the 34th excellence contractor by the Magazine “Engineering News-Record” in its 4th round of evaluation of the World First 60 Excellence Contractors, up 14 positions over the year 2005 and “Chinese Contractor with most growing ability in the year 2007 ”, crowned as the top of “50 Giants of Anhui Provincial Architectural Industries”, occupied the 18th position of “Anhui Provincial Top 100 Enterprises for the year 2007”, kudos still won were “National Advanced Construction Group”, “National Reliable Construction Contractor ”, and “Anhui Provincial Excellence Construction Contractor”, etc.            
        Overall guidelines of Aceg’s operation for the year 2008 are presented in the Report, namely, struggle for Aceg’s better and faster growth by means of carrying out the spirits specified on the 17th Party’s Conference; insisting on scientific development concept, laying development as the main target, using reform and recreation as new dynamism, adjusting development strategy with scientific manner, deepening of corporation reform, diverting development direction, recreating new management control method, upgrading corporation culture, promoting technology progress, highlighting the Party construction in corporation, helping build a harmonious enterprise.         In the attempt to achieve the goals for the year 2008, safeguard a better and faster growing Aceg, Chairman Hu emphasized that the whole Group must spare no efforts and concentrate all resources to ensure success for the following 8 items: try hard for development by implementing the spirits of the 17th Party’s Conference and seeking unity of thinking; adjust Aceg’s development strategy by getting a clear understanding of the current situation and diverting mentality traces; push on the corporation reform and system reform by laying-out all as a whole and bringing forth new ideas; adopt all-in business strategy by applying new methods and exploring more markets; realize finance operations instead of labor-densified operation by making good use of all resources and cultivate elite; promote technology progresses and scientific recreation by enhancing capability of understanding and innovating control systems; upgrade corporation management levels by compacting the foundations and carrying forward science innovation; promote the Party’s construction with reformative and innovative manners by unity and harmony.             
        Mr. Li Jian, Deputy Minister of Anhui Provincial Construction Ministry delivered his speech at the conference in high enthusiastic manner, according to his speech, positive affirmations were given to Aceg for the stride progresses that Aceg has made in the past 5 successive years, he concluded that Aceg has carried out the guideline of “cast off our old self and begin a new enterprise”, operating with scientific mentalities, concentrating on reforms and developments。On the other hand, Aceg has offered opportunities to sister companies in Anhui Province such as Hefei Construction Engineering, Fuyang Construction Engineering fir their developments, and finally he attached great hopes that Aceg would continue its efforts in making better and greater progresses by applying the rule of scientific development requirements, continuing efforts in innovation and giving full play to its technique, talent, management and finance capabilities, and still be a leading company for the construction industry in Anhui Province, contribute even greater to the economic development in Anhui Province. .
        Mr. Jiang Fuliang, Deputy Inspector of Anhui Provincial State Owned Asserts Management, also made his speech on the conference, he fully confirmed positively the achievements Aceg has made and simultaneously, the followings are the points for Aceg to apply as guidelines: fulfill all assignments scheduled for the year 2008 with satisfied qualities and quantities by still deepening reforms; achieve better and faster growth by carrying forward the “going out” strategy, participating in international market competitions, laying more strength in foreign investment and trans-nation operations, taking advantages of markets and resources of both domestic and abroad; strengthen the capabilities in innovation and competition by production chain optimization and integration; build more choice and model buildings with fine qualities, fine safety records and fine management systems; achieve the goal of system re-founding and recreation onto the existing administration at an earlier date by using company acquisition as turning points, promote enterprise reform and system innovation with the attempt at the establishment of modernized enterprise systems; promote the construction of leadership.
        Mr. Zhang Haiping, Party Secretary of Aceg emphasized the following two points on carrying out the programs set forth on the conference: fully understanding and carrying out the programs by confirmation of the previous achievements and scientific recognition of the characters of Aceg’s periodic growth; promoting the efforts in Party’s construction so as to provide political and organic safeguards for company’s growth, better service to the people, gathering of mentalities   as well as for the harmony of the whole society.